Saturday, November 28, 2009

postheadericon MS Excel Shortcuts

You may want to keep below set of key sequences handy as it can definitely improve your productivity while working with Excel.

Task Key Sequence

Hide Column

[Ctrl] + [0]

Unhide Column

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [0]

Hide Row

[Ctrl] + [9]

Unhide Row

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [9]


[Ctrl] + [6]

Strike Out

[Ctrl] + [5]


[Ctrl] + [4]


[Ctrl] + [3]


[Ctrl] + [2]

Format Cell Dialog

[Ctrl] + [1]

Change Relative Cell Ref to Absolute ref. (Toggle Key)


Edit Current Cell


vzGo To a Cell


Toggle between Show Formula/Normal Mode in whole worksheet (Toggle Key)

[Ctrl] + [`]

Close Current Workbook

[Ctrl] + [w]

Copy Contents of Cell to Left

[Ctrl] + [R]

Create Table and set filters

[Ctrl] + [L] Or [Ctrl] + [T]

Insert Hyperlink Dialog

[Ctrl] + [K]

Current Date

[Ctrl] + [;]

Current Time

[Ctrl] + [:]

Copy Contents of Cell above current selection

[Ctrl] + [']

New Workbook

[Ctrl] + [N]

Delete Selected Cell

[Ctrl] + [-]

Insert Blank Cell

[Ctrl] + [=]

Auto Sum

Alt + [=]

Complete Formula with parenthesis and parameters

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [A]

Toggle between open workbooks

[Ctrl] + [TAB]

Open Worksheet to left of current worksheet

[Ctrl] + [PgUP]

Open Worksheet to right of current worksheet

[Ctrl] + [PgDn]

Box the Current Selection

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [7] or [Ctrl] + [&]

I hope you found the information useful and Thank you for reading.


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