Tuesday, December 8, 2009

postheadericon Convert Formula into Value. The Magic F9 key.

You all might have come across a situation where you used a formula in a cell and wanted to replace the output/formula result with the cell contents (i.e. the formula itself). e.g. If a cell contains a formula =SUM(A1:A10) and while entering you wanted the output of the above formula to be entered into the cell instead of the formula then what would you do?

  • Perhaps you would calculate the output and enter it manually in the requisite cell.  OR
  • You would copy the cell and user paste special feature to paste as value and thus convert the formula output into value.

There is a third better and short cut way of achieving the same result. Following is quick steps…

  1. Select the cell containing the formula
  2. Press [F2] key to edit the cell (Figure 1.1)
  3. Press [F9] key to convert formula into value. (Figure 1.2).
  4. Hit [Enter] and you are done.

The figure 1.1 and Figure 1.2 shows the same graphically.


Figure 1.1 (Step 2 above when you press [F2] key)


Figure 1.2 (Step 3 above when you press [F9] key)

I hope you found the information useful and Thank you for reading.


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