Thursday, September 2, 2010

postheadericon What is Needed to Build a Pool

The pools are more often than not artificially constructed containers filled with water. The main objective of building a pool is to create facility for swimming or water-based recreation. A swimming pool, swimming bath, wading pool, or simply the term pool, each of them, represents the same thing.

Depending on the type of needs served by the pools, you may want to select from among many standard sizes. The largest and deepest pool is the one used Olympic Games. Similarly, a pool may also be built either above the ground or beneath the ground. Generally, the materials used for building the pool include metal, plastic, fiberglass, or concrete.

Pools may be built for use, by several people or, more appropriately put, by the public in general are called as public pool. While pools built to be used exclusively by a few people or in a home are called private. Thus, the purpose served and ownership of a public pool differs from the private pool.

Pools may be used for swimming exercises or relaxation. Hot tubs and spas are pools with hot water, used for relaxation or some sort of therapy also known as hydrotherapy. Swimming pools are ordinarily used for diving, swimming, and training of lifeguards and astronauts.

In Phoenix, Arizona, Owner/Builders as a group are the third largest group of pool builders after Shasta Pools (#1) and Paddock Pools (#2). However, building a pool yourself requires lot of research and planning along with the materials and of course not to mention the finance. Once built it also requires appropriate maintenance to rule out probability of diseases resulting from stored water.

The following text shall encompass the essential materials required to build a pool on your own if not entirely at least the major part of it.

1. Land: You must select the land of appropriate size to build the pool. The land should be enough to have the excavation for in-ground pool or for either fiberglass or concrete contain if it is going to be above the ground. If is important to note whether the pool would be placed in relation to any adjoining buildings, walls etc. Similarly, factors such as wind, shade, and view of the pool from the house and possibly your neighbor’s property are all important consideration while choosing the land for the pool. Beside ground conditions such as Clay, chalk, high water table etc are equally important.

2. Stones, Pebbles, Bricks and Steel: You may want to use stone on the exterior of the pool to make platform, podiums, decks around the interior or exterior pool walls etc. You may use granite or marble or other types of stone for build steps and bays for the pool. You may use steel or other metal for building railing around the pool for safety if you want. Concrete, brick or stone all play an important role in internal coping of the pool shell.

3. Electrical, plumbing, gas etc.: You may be needed to have one or more of these to pump in and pump out the water. It you are building a hot water tool similarly, heating materials would be a choice.

4. Filtration System: It includes the options available for filtering such as Sand, DE or Cartridge based filtration systems for the pool. Chemical disinfectants include chlorine, bromine or mineral sanitizers, and additional filters are often used in swimming pools to prevent growth and spread of bacteria, viruses, algae and insect larvae. Alternatively, a biofilter may be used with additional carbon filters and UV disinfection. In both cases, pools need to be fitted with an adequate flow rate.

5. Chlorination System: Ozone, Salt Water, and Standard Chlorinator are some of the standard choices in this direction. By se of an ozone system, the need for chlorine is reduced by a significant amount.

In this article, I have tried to explain some of the essential building blocks required to build your own pool. I hope are article was informative to you and would like thank you for reading.


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