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Types of ghillie suits

The types of ghillie suits are endless. I have tried to briefly summarize some of them for you:
- Winter Ghillie Suits
It is a waterproof ghillie suit made to be worn in snow so that you can remain in the snow for long periods of time. They have been used by the army when they are in cold terrains during wars. Many movies too have scenes of winter ghillie suits.
- Desert Ghillie Suits
This variety of ghillie suit is seen in Middle Eastern Countries, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The soldiers in these conditions wear these suits which suit the harsh climatic conditions in the desert. The desert ghillie suits are lightweight, are made of breathable, and fire proof material.
- Jungle Ghillie Suits
These were widely used during the Vietnam War as the soldiers need to be hidden in the huge jungles in this place. It provides thick and extreme foliage in the jungles. They are waterproof and are extremely breathable.
- Mud Ghillie Suits
It allows you to hide in pits and blend with the mud. It is made of waterproof material.
- River Ghillie Suits
It helps you to be submerged in frigid water for a long period of time or else you can get frost bite.
- Custom Made Ghillie Suits
It can be made anytime, anywhere and can be made according to your height and body. It allows you to blend in with the environment.
- Kids Ghillie Suits
You can take your children in the forest the next time you go to the jungle. With that they will not leave you exposed to the prey. You also have ghillie pants, jackets, and full body ghillie suits available.
Holistic Approach of Naturopathy

Holistic approach to treatment of diseases, have always been appreciated, fully understood, or grasped. The conventional medicine does lack the ability to consider the patient as a whole and hence the neglect is evident in many a circumstances. “Heal from within” has been the approach of naturopathy. This is an alternative medicine, which heals the body from within by trusting it with natural cure and minimal invasions.
The belief of Hippocrates or medical practitioner who is regarded as the father of medicine that Nature cures have been followed by Naturopathy and the usage of various natural elements for treatment, like air, water, light, fruits. This originated way back in Europe ,was popularized by many a scientists .the medicine of ayurveda have been practiced since times immemorial ,but have been accepted as a science only since five decades
Naturopathy has been lucrative since the recognition and revival of alternative medicine .Not only has it been used as a curative medicine but also for preventive healthcare. Natural remedies have been tried as healthy lifestyle and for maintaining good health.
The absence of side effects and non-invasive methods of treatment always appeal to the patients. Naturopathy Courses have been started all across the world in need of the hour, there is acceptance of the credibility when it is standardized and is honored by the government. The available naturopathy courses confer the degree on completion of four years of training in a recognized institute. Doctorate degrees have also been conferred on the apprentices. Naturopathy has a very unique charm in practicality and has been in great demand worldwide.
Yoga is an ancient Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility that is achieved through the three paths of actions and knowledge and devotion, while meditation refers to a continuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse nature.
Courses on Yoga and meditation have also attracted many a followers in the field of preventive medicine and lifestyle modifiers. The Naturopathy courses would allow great insight to the doctrines of environment and health, stress relief, energy maintenance mental lucidity, and focuses on holistic well being of the patients and self, helping in leading a harmonious life and a balance in personal being.
The naturopathy courses makes the doctors conducive to the patient needs and helps in preparing the person who requires medical care for a stress free, pleasant life.
Tags: Medicine, Naturopath Courses, Naturopathy, Alternative Medicine
Alternative Methods and Ways to Heal

Strange are the ways of nature, especially when it comes to humans, the more we know the sooner it is less. Medicine here is the best bet .what works for one human does almost never seem to work for the other, and still Evidence based medicine is more often practiced and preached for fear of the unknown. “When everything else fails ... Look within you for an answer”, this is the practice of alternative medicine.
It so believes in healing from within, where in the patient is considered as a whole and not treating only the affected part as other conventional medical practices. When practiced in tandem with the conventional methods health can be optimal.
Alternative medicine includes diverse streams of medicine, which have their own traditions. Principles practiced have always been based on beliefs handed down through generations, local knowledge, psychic ability, spiritual honoring and latest envisage of remedies. Various widely practiced methods are ayurvedic, traditional Chinese medicine, chiropractic medicine, Unani medicine, Reiki, Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Yoga, Hypnosis, Siddha medicine, Herb therapy. Most of the methods preach the basic principle of nutritious food, calming of mind and preventive measures.
The National Centre for Complementary and Alternative medicine (NCCAM) have ushered a newer hope of stabilizing and giving more credit to the various methods of medicine they have been classified as…
- Whole medical systems: Where in the patient is treated as a whole and not treated for the disease alone. This involves the ancient methods of Ayurveda, Chinese medicine
- Homeopathy, where in the body is allowed to heal by itself.
- Mind Body Medicine: In this case, Reiki, Meditation, and Yoga bring the mind and body into harmony with each other.
- Biology based medicine: where in natural food and fibers are advised to the patients according to the body needs, Naturopathy, Herb medicine follows this practice.
- Manipulative touch methods: are involving a specific part of the body and involves healing by touch and movement, Acupuncture and chiropractic medicine is practiced this way.
- Energy medicine: The belief of free flowing energy when obstructed leads to disease in the body has helped Magnet therapy and Qi gong a very trusted method of alternative medicine.
The practice of alternative medicine does not come with a lot of uncertainty according to the laws as nor by clinical research nor by scientific methods is the plausible rationale in effectiveness is proven. Hence, it has been taken up by various funding bodies and National institutes to the rescue as newer methods of research and proven methods to test the medical practice of Alternate medicine, to bring in consistency and credence.
Even the conventional practitioners are appreciating the holistic approach of alternative medicine and a complementing treatment option sees a bright future. Any alternative methods of treatment would have to be brought into the notice of the primary health care official for better care of the individual and preventing mishaps.
Tags: Alernative Medicine, Medicine, Naturopath
Windows 7 Installation (Upgrade) Options

Windows 7 installation process necessitates selection of one of the methods out of two options during the upgrade installation. You may either be required to upgrade your current Windows XP installation, Windows Vista installation or may want to perform a fresh Windows 7 installation. This is applicable only in upgrade install and not when you are installing Windows 7 on a personal computer with no operating system (OS).
Figure ‘Windows 7 Installation Options’
- Upgrade: Selecting an upgrade option would substitute your current version of Windows installed on your personal computer. Upgrading your current Windows installation, however does not replace your files, settings, and programs in place on your computer. However, it is essential to note that some of your programs installed on your current installation of windows may not be compatible with Windows 7 OS environment.
Custom: You may select custom install option to perform a fresh installation as it would replace your Windows 7 for your current version of Windows. This process selection results in loss of your your files, settings, and programs. Therefore, it is also cited as a clean installation for that reason. If you are facing sever problems with current installation then you may want to back your data and use Custom Install option.
If you are performing Windows 7 installation on a personal computer the above two Windows 7 installation options are not available.
Note: Whenever performing installation or un-installation of Windows 7 Operating System it is essential for you to backup your data stored on you personal computer.
Tags: Windows 7 install, Windows 7 installation, Windows 7 upgrade options, OS upgrade, Windows OS upgrade, Windows Vista Upgrade, Windows XP Upgrade
- Windows 7 (4)
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- Mounting an ISO image (1)
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