Wednesday, September 22, 2010

postheadericon Windows 7 Installation (Upgrade) Options

Windows 7 installation process necessitates selection of one of the methods out of two options during the upgrade installation. You may either be required to upgrade your current Windows XP installation, Windows Vista installation or may want to perform a fresh Windows 7 installation. This is applicable only in upgrade install and not when you are installing Windows 7 on a personal computer with no operating system (OS).

Picture of the Which type of installation do you want? page

Figure ‘Windows 7 Installation Options’

  • Upgrade: Selecting an upgrade option would substitute your current version of Windows installed on your personal computer. Upgrading your  current Windows installation, however does not replace your files, settings, and programs in place on your computer. However, it is essential to note that some of your programs installed on your current installation of windows may not be compatible with Windows 7 OS environment.
  • Custom: You may select custom install option to perform a fresh installation as it would replace your Windows 7 for your current version of Windows. This process selection results in loss of your your files, settings, and programs. Therefore, it is also cited as a clean installation for that reason. If you are facing sever problems with current installation then you may want to back your data and use Custom Install option.

If you are performing Windows 7 installation on a personal computer the above two Windows 7 installation options are not available.

Note: Whenever performing installation or un-installation of Windows 7 Operating System it is essential for you to backup your data stored on you personal computer.


Tags: Windows 7 install, Windows 7 installation, Windows 7 upgrade options, OS upgrade,  Windows OS upgrade, Windows Vista Upgrade, Windows XP Upgrade


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